Friday, January 22, 2010

The quilt I finished after years of procrastinating!

About 5 years ago, I started piecing the stars for the quilt pictured.  Over the years, I would decide I wanted all the stars to be blue, then I would decide they should be all black, then I would decide to just quilt one out of my scraps. This is probably why I ended up with a wide variation of un-matching stars;  it seems I always do this with quilts.  Eventually, I will decide that I have enough boxes made in a particular pattern and arrange the quilt then.  One day, I am going to go buy all the fabrics for a quilt and start with a plan.  I guess I will need to have a bit more money to buy all those fabrics! I sent this quilt to my mom for her birthday last year; even though it is very multi-colored it somehow works...I guess.  I machine quilted it in a spiral. 

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